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Conservation Meeting Minutes 4/29/04

Conservation Commission
April 29, 2004

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Stephan Glicken, Janet Dunlap, Katherine Roth, and Hank Langstroth were the members present.

7:45 p.m., N.O.I. Public Hearing Continuance, David Elman, 25 Sturges Road. Proposed addition of a breezeway to connect existing single family home with existing office/studio. Proposed construction of a 3 car garage. Grading and landscaping within the 100' Buffer Zone to an  Inland Bank and BVW of Lake Massapoag. DEP File # SE-280-453:

Due to the absence of the Applicant, Peg called for a motion to continue the public hearing until May 6, 2004 at a convenient time for both the Commission and the Applicant.
Stephan Glicken moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

7:55 p.m. Cliff Towner- Update regarding the fanwort issue at Lake Massapoag:

Cliff requested permission from the Commission to hire a different company to manage the fanwort issue at the lake. Cliff explained that a new company has offered a written contract explaining a two-year management program guaranteed to eradicate the fanwort.
The Commission recommended that Cliff submit an amendment request to the existing Order of Conditions pertaining to the different company.  A document from the new company explaining the fanwort management program should be submitted along with the existing Order of Conditions.

8:00 p.m. N.O.I. Pubic Hearing, filed by Herb Chambers of Sharon, LLC, for the proposed  redevelopment of an existing gravel pit as a full service auto dealership at 15 & 55 General Edwards Highway:

Rick Merrikin, an Engineer from American Engineering and Attorney Joel Fishman appeared before the Commission. Abutters were present.
Joel Fishman represented the Applicant and delivered a pictorial presentation to the Commission regarding the existing site conditions of the proposed project. Joel stated that Herb Chambers is proposing to build a Lexus Dealership on the property currently owned by Sansone Brothers, as the Lexus facility in Walpole has outgrown its site.
The majority of the proposed site is substantially below street level.
The Historical Commission has deemed a house on the corner of the site as
historical and has evoked a six-month demolition delay bylaw on the house.
The property is currently disturbed with various equipment vehicles and gravel.
There is an old abandoned Texaco Gas Station on the site.
There is a gravel-processing machine currently being utilized on the site.
Rick Merrikin submitted the green abutter cards, and a revised plan, "15 General Edwards Highway Erosion Control Site Plan of Land," dated 3/25/04 to the Commission.  
There is a seasonal brook running through the proposed site with a wooded bank and adjacent wetland area. The brook is 8' to 10' below ground level and continues as a tributary to the Neponset River.
There is disturbed material and gravel surface piles leading up to the edge of the vegetated brook.
The wetlands were flagged by Sparrow Environmental in Medfield, MA.
A Botanist's report is included in the N.O.I. stating that there is an intermittent stream on the property.
(The Commission made the determination on a previous filing on the Gutierrez property that the stream was perennial from the proximate property line, however, on appeal by the DEP, it was determined that the stream was an intermittent for a distance of approximately 200' downstream of the proposed site).

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A two level building is proposed. An upper level for sales and offices and a lower level for service of the vehicles.  90,000 sq. ft. of total floor area. Approximately 290 paved parking spaces are proposed to accommodate customers and storage of new/used vehicles.
Proposed construction of a new building entrance.
The excess water runoff along the pavement area will be collected and treated according to storm water regulations. The standard catch basin system flowing into water quality tanks that empty into infiltration fields. (An underground series of perforated pipes allowing water to be infiltrated back into the ground after it is cleaned.  The water overflow would be discharged into the brook).  
      A water quality swale is proposed as part of the drainage system plan.
Drainage calculations for the proposed system designed for the project and culverts to be replaced within the intermittent stream will be submitted on the revised plan.
A proposed plan to provide wooded vegetation above the bank of the brook and herbaceous vegetation
along the sides of the brook. No work is proposed within the resource areas. A line of haybales and siltfence will be installed to stabilize the BVW.
The installation of a 7,000 gallon septic system design is proposed with two leaching fields on the site.
A Proposed plan to install a gasoline pump on the site.
Abutter Bill Goode, presented to the Commission a site plan dated 11/26/79. The plan indicates that the section of the brook area was open when The Sansone Brothers business was in operation. Bill stated to the Commission that in December 2003 he observed water in the stream.
Abutter Bob Higgins, stated to the Commission that this month he has observed a heavy flow of water from the stream. He also expressed his concerns relative to the parking design of the proposed facility. Mark Gagne, a representative from the WCC, expressed his concerns regarding the water quality and the flow rate of the stream. Mark explained to the Commission that the stream provides a major water recharge source to Allen Pond. Allen Pond is the sole irrigation source for the WCC.
Rick presented the Commission with a draft copy of an operational maintenance plan and schedule for the proposed project. He requested that the Commission write a letter to the ZBA for the Applicant
Peg requested that the Applicant submit a list of the proposed tree plantings along the sloped areas of the property and the native plants proposed to stabilize the areas of the brook.
Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing until May 20, 2004, at 8:00 p.m.
Hank Langstroth moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:00 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills and Negative Determination for Gary Werden, 95 Beach Street.

9:05 p.m. CPA Town Meeting Article:

Peg called for a motion to support the May 3, 2004 Annual Town Meeting Article for the CPA Act as written by the State.
Katherine Roth moved. Stephan Glicken seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:10 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Glicken seconded. Voted. Unanimous.